Programmable Oscillators 2.5Volt 1.24416GHz LVPECL
Programmable Oscillators 13.91222MHz 20ppm -20 to 70C 3.3V
Programmable Oscillators 80MHz 50ppm 3.3V -40 to +85C
Programmable Oscillators EconOscillator f Synthesizer
Programmable Oscillators 100MHz 2.5 Volt 20ppm -20C to 70C
Programmable Oscillators 14.64 MHz 20ppm -20 to 70C 3.3V
Programmable Oscillators 3.3V 10M-200M PwrDn 65.0000MHZ
Programmable Oscillators PRGRMMBL VCXO 6 PIN 0.7PS RS JTR (NCNR)
Programmable Oscillators Fixed-Frequency EconOscillator
Programmable Oscillators 3.3V Center Spread Spctrm EconOscillatr
Programmable Oscillators 16.0MHz 3.3Volt 25ppm -40C +85C
Programmable Oscillators 64.0000MHZ SMT 5V CMOS 50PPM