Digital Isolators 6 Ch 5.0 kV Isolator 150M 4/2 WB
Interface - CODECs Ultra Low Pwr Stereo Audio Codec
UART Interface IC Sngl UART w/16-Byte FIFOs & Aut Flw Ctrl
I/O Controller Interface IC I/O Controller Hub 82801HBM TBGA676
RS-422/RS-485 Interface IC 5V 15kV ESD Half Duplex 2.5Mbps
RS-422/RS-485 Interface IC 10Mbps 3V/5V Quad RS-422/RS-485 Rcvr
USB Interface IC UF USB 2.0 Multi-FMT FMC USB Hub Control
USB Interface IC EZ-USB FX3S SuperSpd USB Controller
Serializers & Deserializers - Serdes Dual 18-Bit Serializer with Pre-Emphasis, IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG), and At-Speed BIST 100-NFBGA -40 to 85
Interface - CODECs Ster Codec w/USB Ifc & Sngl-end I/O
RS-232 Interface IC 3-5.5V 250Kbps RS232 Line Driver/Receiver
RS-422/RS-485 Interface IC RS-485 Transceiver 1.8V,-40+125 128KBPS