A small microcontroller board based on the ATmega168 intended for use on breadboards and when space is at a premium
Interface Development Tools USB to Full UART Breakout Brd FT231X
The VDIP2 module is an MCU to embedded USB host controller development module for the VNC1L device
Interface Development Tools USB to Basic UART Dev Mod for FT230X
EV2300 is a USB-based interface board for a PC that can be used to evaluate battery fuel gauge circuits
Interface Development Tools USB to Serial/Paral. Break Out Board
Interface Development Tools A10-OLINUXINO-LIME adaptor for UEXT/LCD
EVAL232R is a USB to RS232 evaluation module for FTDI?s FT232RL USB - Serial UART interface IC device
PICkit serial analyzer is a low-cost tool with an easy-to-use interface that performs communication between a PC-controlled USB port and various serial ports
Interface Development Tools USB to MSP430 w/ FTDI FT2232H
Interface Development Tools USB to I2C Breakout Board for FT200X IC
Interface Development Tools SD-MMC CARD MODULE W/ UEXT CONN
Interface Development Tools USB to Parallel FIFO Dev Mod for FT240X
The DLP-245PL-G combines the same lead-free USB interface used in the DLP-USB245M-G module with a Microchip PIC microcontroller to form a rapid development tool.
VF2F2 is a reference design for a VNC1L based stand-alone application illustrating how to construct a file back up device for a digital camera with a USB Mass Storage Class interface
Interface Development Tools USB controller Development Kit
MAX14502 evaluation kit (EV kit) provides a proven design to evaluate the MAX14502 Hi-Speed USB-to-SD card reader
USB-SER-NANO-5 is a nano small USB to Serial UART (5V logic level) converter module
An easy-to use kit, which showcases the unique features of CY7C65213, Cypress's USBUART LP Bridge Controller