Supervisory Circuits Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timer
LDO Voltage Regulators 150mA NanoPower LDO Linear Regulator
Supervisory Circuits 3-Pin uPower Reset Circuit
8-bit Microcontrollers - MCU 64KFLASH W/2K EEPROM
16-bit Microcontrollers - MCU 16BIT 128K FLASH
Motor/Motion/Ignition Controllers & Drivers Integrated Circuits (ICs) PMIC - Motor and Fan Controllers, Drivers - IC MTR DVR FOR/REV MFP10S
Clock Buffer Low Skew,1:12 LVCMOS Fanout Buffer
Logic Gates 2-5.5V Single 2-Input NAND Schmitt
Motor/Motion/Ignition Controllers & Drivers FAN MOTOR DRIVER
Digital to Analog Converters - DAC 10-Bit Precision DAC
Supervisory Circuits 3-Pin uPower Reset Circuit
Buffers & Line Drivers SGL Pwr Supply SGL Buffer GATE
Voltage Regulators - Switching Regulators STEP-UP/DOWN CONVERTER
Voltage Regulators - Switching Regulators Hi-Curr 1.2MHz Sync Boost Cnvrt
8-bit Microcontrollers - MCU AVR 32K FLSH, 1K EE 2K SRAM - 20 MHz
Operational Amplifiers - Op Amps 1MHz 4uA Rail-Rail Op Amp