LDO Voltage Regulators 1A Lo-Dropout Linear Voltage Regulator
Precision Amplifiers Prec Low Noise CMOS RRIO SGL
Logic Gates Quadruple 2-Input Positive-NAND gates
Gate Drivers Hi-Curr Hi-Side Only Halfbridge Gate Drvr
Encoders, Decoders, Multiplexers & Demultiplexers Mul/Demul Bus Switch
Clock Generators & Support Products 12 LVCMOS OUT CLOCK GENERATOR
Gate Drivers Hlf Brdg Drvr Soft Trn On NonInvrt Inpt
Microprocessors - MPU PQ II HIP 7 REV A
Operational Amplifiers - Op Amps 3-32V Quad Channel Lo PWR -25 to 85deg
Transistor Output Optocouplers TRANSISTOR OUTPUT SMD LEAD BEND VDE
Voltage References Shunt Regulator 2.5V Programmable
USB Switch ICs USB/Charger and Over Volt Detect Device
8-bit Microcontrollers - MCU 8 BIT MCU