Mates common QFP packages to standard breadboard and break boards for rapid and easy prototyping
Mates SOT23, SOIC, MSOP, or TSSOP packages to standard breadboard and breakout boards for rapid and easy prototyping
STEVAL-MKI122V1 adapter board is designed to facilitate the evaluation of the LSM330DLC product family
Mates common QFP packages to standard breadboard and break boards for rapid and easy prototyping
ToolStick daughter card requires a ToolStick Base Adapter to communicate with the PC
MR-BusIO-MAIN is an experiment board which receives output signals from any microcontrollers
XBee 5V/3.3V adapter comes in partially assembled kit form and provides a cost-effective solution for interfacing your microcontroller to any XBee or XBee Pro module
Mates common QFP packages to standard breadboard and break boards for rapid and easy prototyping
Routing card for 144 pin Atmel AVR UC3 C0 series in TQFP socket supplements the Atmel STK600 starter kit
Daughter Cards & OEM Boards S-Plus Module Gadgeteer SPI expand
A programming tool for microcontrollers with on-chip or external flash memory
An adapter board designed to facilitate the evaluation of MEMS devices in the LIS2DH product family
MR-BusIO-DCIN is an experiment board for receiving 5V, 12V or 24VDC input and translates into TTL 5VDC level
This add-on to NXP's I2C 2005-1 demo board makes it easy to test and design with the PCA9600, a Fast-mode Plus dual bidirectional bus buffer
Parallax Continuous Rotation Servo is ideal for robotics and basic movement projects
MR-MINI-AUDIO is a mini amplifier with speaker board that receives input as the analog audio signal
Daughter Cards & OEM Boards TWR-S08DC-PT60