Programmers - Processor Based P&E USB BDM INTRFCE MC
2 headers provide in-circuit debugging capabilities for specific Microchip devices
Routing card for 100 pin megaAVR in TQFP socket supplements the Atmel STK600 starter kit
USB MSP430 JTAG / SBW / BSL interfaces flash programmer and JTAG In-Circuit debugger - Lite JTAG/BSL software
Daughter Cards & OEM Boards SolderCore Stacker Prototyping Shield
This module switches a high current load using a high power transistor
Routing card for 8 pin tinyAVR in DIP socket supplements the Atmel STK600 starter kit
Routing card for 40 pin megaAVR in DIP socket supplements the Atmel STK600 starter kit
Allows the control of high current loads, such as relay, motors,ÿsolenoids, high current LEDs
Routing card for the 32 pin megaAVR in TQFP socket supplements the Atmel STK600 starter kit
STEVAL-MKI124V1 adapter board is designed to facilitate the evaluation of the L3GD20, LSM303DLHC and LPS331AP devices
Programmer for any programmable devices with ISP connector - 40 pin ZIF socket
Easy to connect one of the many available RF evaluation modules