Designed to evaluate the capabilities of the XMC1100 Microcontroller and the powerful, free of charge tool chain DAVE
Board with dual Core, dual GPU with no NAND Flash memory
Development Boards & Kits - Other Processors 16K Complete KIT STVD STVP C Comp
Development Boards & Kits - Wireless RF Bluetooth SMART SOC kit with USB BLE
Contains everything needed to develop applications with the C8051F340 microcontroller
Development Boards & Kits - Wireless SAM R21 Xplained Pro Evaluation kit
Development Boards & Kits - ARM STM32L152RCT6 MCU Discovery Kit Board
Development Boards & Kits - ARM LPC800 / LPC812 MAX Board
Development Boards & Kits - AVR Starter kit for AVR Flash microcntrlrs
Development Boards & Kits - ARM STM32F0 Discovery Evaluation Board
Evaluation kit is a hardware platform to evaluate the Atmel ATxmega32E5 microcontroller
Device features a built-in LiPo charger, making it perfect for projects that have to be highly mobile yet space scrimping
Development Boards & Kits - Other Processors KIT EVAl PSOC W/MINIPROG1