K-Type thermocouple interface board with PIC16F1503, MAX31855, UEXT
Development Boards & Kits - Other Processors MityDSP-XMF DEV KIT (6711-AA-1X1-RC)
Contains everything needed to develop applications with the C8051F336 microcontroller
The REva starter kits are Raisonance?s complete, cost-effective solutions for starting application development and evaluating STM8x
Development Boards & Kits - Other Processors STM8S DEMO FIRMWARE EMB FLASH STORED MCU
J-Link SWD isolator can be connected between the J-Link and/or Flasher to provide electrical isolation
800 MHz QuickStart Kit (R-12 SBC, cable kit, software, documentation)
Development Boards & Kits - ARM EVAL-ADUC7126QSPZ
Development Boards & Kits - TMS320 TMS320C6678 Lite Eval Mod
Display Development Tools uEZ GUI LPC1788 Dev 7" WVGA Touch LCD