Development Boards & Kits - AVR XMEGAA3BU XPLAINED EVAL KIT
8-bit Microcontrollers - MCU 16kB Flash 0.5kB EEPROM 35 I/O Pins
ZigBit USB sticks evaluating USB features of Atmel ZigBits , supporting radio transceiver
Add-on board to the Atmel AVR Xplained development platform
8-bit Microcontrollers - MCU AVR 32K FLSH 2K SRAM 1KB EE - 20 MHZ 5V
Routing card for 144 pin Atmel AVR UC3 C0 series in TQFP socket supplements the Atmel STK600 starter kit
8-bit Microcontrollers - MCU AVR 4K FLASH 256B EE 20MHZ TEMP GRN 1.8V
An evaluation platform that provides the full Atmel microcontroller experience
8-bit Microcontrollers - MCU AVR 64KB FLSH 2KB EE 4KB SRAM-20MHz, IND
Development Boards & Kits - ARM Xplained Pro 128x32 OLED Add-On
CPLD - Complex Programmable Logic Devices 20 ns 24 I/O Pins 24 macorcells 48 reg
An evaluation platform that provides the full Atmel microcontroller experience