Interface Development Tools USB to Basic UART Breakout Brd FT231X
Demonstrates the use of the CP2130 USB-to-SPI bridge to communicate with several SPI slave devices
Development module utilizes FTDI?s FT234XD IC to convert USB to a basic UART
Interface Development Tools USB to I2C Breakout Board for FT201X IC
Interface Development Tools FL SPD USB ISOLATOR 1000V 41x36.5mm
Power Management IC Development Tools ARDUINO MOTOR SHIELD REV 3
Switch IC Development Tools High-Speed USB 2.0 Switch
Allows easy use of MicroSD for access to gigabytes of external memory
MAX9911 evaluation kit (EV kit) provides a proven design to evaluate the MAX9911 low-power, MOS-input operational amplifier
RS232 Level-Shifter with UEXT connector, this module can connect any OLIMEX board that has UEXT to RS232
Evaluation Board serves as an aid in evaluating circuit protection on RS-485 serial device ports
Data Conversion IC Development Tools EVAL BRD AD5933
Used to develop and demonstrate the functionality of the FT800 Embedded Video Engine for 4.3 in LCD
Used to develop and demonstrate the functionality of the FT800 Embedded Video Engine for 5 in LCD